Men’s wedding bands
General information
The most popular design for men’s wedding bands is the original classic half round band. In the original classic version the band is usually highly polished with variable width, thickness and finger size. All these three variables contribute greatly to the weight and therefore the price of the wedding ring. Adding for example difference of 5 finger sizes require about a gram of gold in a 5mm comfort fit wedding band, while adding 1mm in width will add much more.
Weight and price
Looking at the men’ wedding bands listed in this section one may find them rather similar at first glance, but there is difference in the thickness and the cross section of the band which results in difference in the amount of used precious metal. Why are different cross section required? It may be not evident on the illustrative images, but on the actual band you will notice how different levels of dome for example results in different way the light is reflecting off the band, giving it completely different look. Thicker, more solid wedding rings not only look better. Once on the finger you will definitely find them more comfortable and much easier to put on and off. In time the solid wedding ring will not wear off to a sharp edge and cause irritation.
Surface finish
The surface finish of all men’s wedding bands is up to your choice. You can order any design in this section in brushed matte, wire matte or polished finish. For hammer finish the suitability of the model should be confirmed. The surface finish is not permanent and interchangeable, however there is less metal loss to change from polished to brushed than the other way around. The surface finish does not affect the prices of the men’s wedding rings. Read more
Finger size
The prices pre-quoted in this section of the site are based on average finger size for men and women respectively. Plain wedding rings are light in labour and because of the many variables are manufactured by order. To have a precise quote it is essential to have at least approximate finger size.